Civil Law

Our team of one of the best civil advocates in Delhi, provide complete and extensive legal services under the Code of Civil Procedure comprising of Legal Notices, Suits, Plaints, Petitions, Written Statement/ Rejoinder/ Replication, Applications, Affidavits, Settlement Agreements, Memorandum of Understanding/ Settlement, Family Settlements, WILL, Deeds, Gift Deed, Partition Deed, Adoption Deeds, Custody Settlement Agreements, Matrimonial Separation Settlement Agreements, etc.

Whereas the civil law provides remedies related to Contract Law, Specific Performance Law, Property Law, Family Law, Company Law, Intellectual Property Law, Real Estate Law, etc.

The litigation services provided by us includes drafting and pleading of Suits and Plaints, leave to defend, filing of documents, framing of issues, filing list of witnesses, examination and cross examination of plaintiff and defendant witnesses and appearances in cases of Original Side, Appellate Side, Extra Ordinary, Constitutional and Inherent Jurisdiction of Civil and Senior Civil Courts in District Courts, High Courts and Supreme Court of India.

Decision Are A Professional Attorney & Lawyers Services Provider Institutions. Suitable For Law Firm, Injury Law, Traffic Ticket Attorney, Legacy And More.

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+(002) 0121-2843-661
+(002) 0106-8710-594
Menouf City , El-Menoufia, Egypt.
Shibin El-Kom , El-Menoufia, Egypt.

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